Gameward Bound FAQ

Find the answers to some frequently asked questions about the blog, ranging from the type of content to the equipment used.

Questions about Gameward Bound are always welcome, particularly since there is always something new to learn! Some of these inquiries come up a lot, though, and are compiled below to make it easier to locate the answers. Browse through various details and explanations to locate the responses to common questions.

Content Questions

Learn more about some of the reasons behind the content the blog has and doesn’t have.

Can You Play and Post About a Specific Game I Like?

Suggestions are always welcome, and I try to listen to what visitors want to read about. With that said, I still have my own preferences. Sometimes lightweight board games are preferable, while I’ll want to explore complex games at other times. It mostly depends on how I’m feeling, although it’s never a problem to request a specific game!

Do You Benefit from Posting Any Content?

Everything posted on the blog is based entirely on what I want to write about. There are no affiliate agreements, monetary compensation for previews or reviews, nor anything else. Occasionally, I receive free copies from publishers to share my honest opinions. These are clearly noted at the top of each post for full transparency.

I try to be as transparent as possible since honesty is one of my goals with my board game reviews. Monetization of a hobby can certainly be nice, but it’s not something I set out to do. I get a lot of fun out of writing about games!

Where are the Board Game Videos?

At this time, there are no videos for Gameward Bound. This is partially due to the time commitment that creating videos involves. More than that, though, the blog is focused on text-based articles and resources. Visual examples with images are also utilized. This combination of formats is a bit old-fashioned, yet I hope it works well!

Why are There So Many Posts About the Same Board Game?

Many times, I dive into the mechanics and strategies of a single game. This process involves playing many sessions, often in succession. Although the number of overall games that I write about in a short period of time may be low, my goal is to give each game a fair chance and examine it. First impressions may certainly change with this method!

Over time, a game may have multiple session reports in addition to a main review. Stories are also a part of the way I enjoy playing many solo board games. It may take time to end up with a lot of different board game content, yet I like to play each one thoroughly. So long as I’m having fun, I’m happy with what I’m writing!

Photography Questions

Find out what equipment and software for photography, as well as other graphics, are used.

What Photo Editing Software Do You Use?

I use Adobe Photoshop for all of my graphics and photos. This does not mean that I’m any sort of expert or professional, though. I’ve learned some lessons over the years, although the funny thing is that the most frequent use of the software is to resize photos or add text. At least it’s easy to use for amateurs and beginners, like me!

What Photography Equipment Do You Use?

Board game photography is something I never thought much about when I first started taking photos of my games. Perhaps it is with no surprise that my trusty camera is actually just an iPhone. Nothing fancy here. I also rarely, if ever, use filters or any other modifications. They may not be the prettiest, but I enjoy these honest sorts of photos!

At the moment, I make do with whatever lighting I have. This involves natural light and several LED lights designed for photography. It’s a challenge that always keeps me trying out new angles. Once again, though, I often like to capture board games in a way that doesn’t make them look dramatic. They’re cardboard, plastic, and wood. Ha!