Between the Light and Dark Realms in Gloom of Kilforth

April 2, 2020 | Stories | 4 comments

Follow the unusual adventure and life of a brave werewolf warrior across the darkening lands in Gloom of Kilforth.

There are some absolutely ironic and hilarious moments that can happen with board games. With so much story potential, I knew I was in for something special when I set up Gloom of Kilforth again! Keep in mind that my very last post about another game was, “No more werewolves for a while, though!” I said that. So you can guess what’s next…

Game Overview

Game Name: Gloom of Kilforth
Publication Year:
 Tristan Hall
 Ania Kryczkowska
Solo Mode: Included in the Base Game

Indeed, this character happened! A werewolf warrior looked pretty amazing, but I still had a good laugh about how I was trying to get away from werewolves.

Randomizing or choosing a character during setup is always a fun process for me. But the gloom was coming…


First Play

April 24, 2019



Latest Play

August 19, 2021



Setup Time

5 Minutes

Lifetime Plays


Play Time

2 Hours


High Score



Game Area

44" x 28"


Low Score


Lurking in the Gloom

The lands were already partially in gloom when I noticed the Ancient hiding in the shadows. Hello, Prince of Ruin! I really wasn’t thrilled to see him, though.

Also, note that this effect from the sun was there very temporarily. I’m very picky about taking care of my cards… Though don’t ever ask me to get into sleeving. Ha!

This was the first time I would go up against this monster, and I wasn’t particularly excited about it.

All of those sacrificed assets would mean the battle needed to end quickly. I had a rough plan in mind. Off I went!

Hiding in Human Form

Olivia Jessen wasn’t anyone of great importance. She trained for battle from an early age, followed orders, and lived quietly in Sprawl City. But her life was not to be.

One evening, while patrolling Spire Tor to the south of the city, she was overwhelmed by a monstrous enemy. Teeth sank into her arm before she could use her sword.

Life passed by normally, until the first full moon. Olivia transformed into a werewolf. Nothing would be the same.

In order to protect Sprawl City, she made the decision to leave everyone and everything behind for the wilds.

A Foul Monster

As Olivia left her world behind, she wandered back into the mysterious land of Spire Tor. There had to be answers about her origins here, but she was interrupted.

A shambling zombie was a frightening sight! Its dead skin was enough to weaken the resolve of a normal warrior.

But Olivia was no longer a usual warrior. She faced this terrible abomination in battle. It was a rather simple fight, even in her human form. The zombie was no more.

This close to Sprawl City, she wondered what the undead creatures were doing wandering the countryside. 

Taking from the Dead

Stooped over the corpse, Olivia tried to make sense of the zombie. Then, a wave of recognition hit her. This was no ordinary zombie. He had once been a Paladin of the Rose.

His chainmail was covered in unpleasantness, but Olivia minded not. She took it from the body and tried it on.

Aside from the scent that could be detected for miles, the Rosen Chainmail was in perfect condition. She felt more protected for her journey away from civilization.

Sufficiently armored, Olivia also located a tent the zombie would no longer need. She was ready for almost anything.

To the Verdant Fields

The journey in the wilderness was a lonely one. However, Olivia managed to keep her werewolf tendencies under control. Not once did she transform.

She missed the company of other humans, though. On a whim, she traveled to the Verdant Fields in search of a skilled minstrel she learned of from a traveling trader.

Sure enough, the sound of music wafted over the swaying grass. This minstrel was employed by Sir Thomas Loek.

The strange man put Olivia on edge. He might be a gentleman, but she was glad to take the minstrel away.

The Transformation

Olivia knew not where her journey was taking her. There was the odd sense of impending doom, though she attributed that to her werewolf instincts.

It was in the Dead Swamp that she faced a worrying mummy. His canine appearance stirred something within.

Suddenly, Olivia was no longer her usual self. Violent and terrible, she met the mummy’s teeth with her own ruthless jaw. The battle was simply awful.

In the end, the mummy fell and Olivia walked away on all fours. Was this her true form? She shuddered at the idea.

Meeting the Monster

For days, Olivia enjoyed the company and songs of the minstrel. She was a comfort, and was not terrified by the idea of accompanying a werewolf. All was well.

But Olivia’s senses urged her to return to Spire Tor. There was something out there… Something horrible.

Before she could process what was going on, the lycanthrope that bit her flew at them from an outcropping. In an instant, the minstrel was no more.

A short battle ensued, and Olivia refused to transform. She killed the monster that had turned her into this state.

A Side Note About Ironic Storylines

It seemed all too fitting for this encounter to happen during this play! I never encountered the lycanthrope before, so it was pretty interesting to see it come up while I had a werewolf character. It just goes to show how the encounters cover practically everything. With another character, this stranger would have seemed totally different.

Also, one of the plot cards required the sacrifice of an ally. I was saving the minstrel for this purpose, purely so I could make a reference to Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Not so today, but my sense of humor is still alive and well. Ha ha!

Finding a Purpose

The encounter with her maker rattled Olivia. Moreso, there was no one to make music to lighten the darker parts of Kilforth. The minstrel’s presence was sorely missed.

Olivia set about wandering without any rhyme or reason. She destroyed enemies when she wanted. She rested when she could. But the realm of humans became a memory.

That is until she found a small farm in need of assistance. She succeeded, and a new feeling came over her.

Here was her purpose! If she could restore a farm, she could restore the territory to its former pre-gloom glory.

Corrupted by Power

What Olivia didn’t count on was the way her werewolf side would affect her morality. Despite her desire to do good, she slowly turned down a darker path.

A warhorse came into her possession to grant her swifter movement. None knew the truth of its origins, though…

When she heard a rumor about the Ring of Influence, Olivia knew she needed it. She raced to locate it first. With more power and influence, she would be unstoppable.

It was an odd turn of events. She had a purpose, but her moral compass had become wicked and twisted.

Gentlemanly Trickery

As Kilforth fell closer and closer to total gloom, Olivia found herself back in the Verdant Fields. Sir Thomas Loek recognized her and welcomed her back to his castle.

Little by little, she shared the details of her journey with him. He had valuable information and connections to a secret society that would grant her even more influence.

Olivia fell for his trickery. He discovered her true werewolf self lurking beneath her false exterior and betrayed her.

She was made an outcast, shunned by all of Kilforth. Suddenly, Olivia felt no need to help these humans…

Session Overview

Play Number: 6
Expansion: Encounters Expansion Pack
Accessory: Pimp My Gloom Expansion Pack
Solo Mode: Included in the Base Game
Play Details: Warrior Difficulty Level
Required Play Space: 44″ x 28″
Setup Time: 10 Minutes
Play Time: 1 Hour & 20 Minutes
Outcome: 21 Points (Loss)

A fierce storm signaled the arrival of the Prince of Ruin. No one was there to stop him, least of all Olivia!


10 Plays


Price & Value



Challenges & Mechanics



Design & Theme



Components & Rules



Achievement & Enjoyment



Distinctness & Randomness


More Gloom of Kilforth

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Victory Conditions

Defeat the Ancient

  • Overall Goal Progress 50% 50%

Goals and Milestones


Win at least 1 game against the Abbess of Penance.


Win at least 1 game against the Deacon of Betrayal.


Win at least 1 game against the Marquis of Pain.


Win at least 1 game against the Prince of Ruin.

Continue the Conversation

What sorts of stories have you had with Gloom of Kilforth: A Fantasy Quest Game? It continues to be one of my most narratively rich games! This play was a little odd because I simply couldn’t find the “seek” keyword for ages. Do you enjoy other story-driven games? Although this play was a royal flop, I’ll be back soon enough to take out an Ancient!


  1. Perhaps you should have gone back to check on the minstrel. Sounds like it was only a flesh wound.

    • Ha ha! That is the perfect comment. I love all of the references one can make from this movie. I expect to add more over time whenever I can. It’s hard not to, simply because it’s such a classic…


      Anyway, thanks for a great laugh today!

  2. Boy, some of those graphics on the cards are stellar. I just made a comment on Gloomhaven, but this one seems more intriguing to me! Thanks for the session reports! 🙂

    • Thanks, Derek! This is my current favorite board game to photograph. Every card seems to have a story of its own from its image, flavor text, or a combination. This month is very “gloom” heavy for me, but in a good sense with these games. Both games are totally different so they’re hard to compare, but this one definitely resonates with me more for its stories.

      It will be different for everyone, though!


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