Head off in search of adventures around the neighborhood with Heckin’ Good Doggos.
Rory’s Story Cubes
Browse through the posts about Rory’s Story Cubes. These dice feature symbols that can be defined in many ways!
Many tools help customize solo experiences. Rory’s Story Cubes feature a wide variety of 6-sided dice with symbols. By combining these icons, ideas can be generated for aspects like characters and settings. Understand how this method works with solo games through a series of helpful posts!
The Joy of Coloring a Map with Beak, Feather, and Bone
Learn about an interesting way to use a hand-colored map with Beak, Feather, and Bone.
Using a Beak, Feather, and Bone Map for Character Creation
Find out how a map-labeling RPG can provide inspiration with Beak, Feather, and Bone.
Exploring My Process of Character Creation in Ryuutama
Find out how to create solo RPG characters with an introduction to a Ryuutama campaign.
6 Ways to Give a Bland Solo Opponent a Personality
Find out how to give a solo opponent characteristics to make plays more interesting.