The Cozy, Colorful Charm of Enchanted Plumes… Again

Show off a beautiful, colorful plume of feathers to attract the attention of an unpredictable peahen in Enchanted Plumes.
I know I just played this one very recently, yet I couldn’t stop myself from taking the box off the shelf again the other day! Enchanted Plumes is a solo game I often overlook, even though it’s a fun little puzzle. The highest scoring tier and a true victory have eluded me so far, so I settled in to see what I might be able to do with these fantastic feathers!
Game Overview
Game Name: Enchanted Plumes
Publication Year: 2021
Designer: Brendan Hansen
Artist: Echo Chernik
Publisher: Calliope Games
Solo Mode: Official Solo Variant
The goal is to create complete plumes of feathers, yet there are important scoring rules to keep in mind. Picking the right cards is also not about keeping everything needed in-hand. Trading out unneeded feathers is a key strategy during a very quick and delightful sort of game!
First Play
June 1, 2023
Latest Play
August 31, 2024
Setup Time
Almost None
Lifetime Plays
Play Time
10 Minutes
High Score
Game Area
26" x 16"
Low Score
Basking in the Glory
Every feather placed is important to the puzzle. Plumes require careful planning, as they can sometimes get too big to actually complete. This one was just right!
The top row is worth negative victory points, but it sets the basis for the colors that flow down to the next row.
You’ll notice how I started out with blue, cyan, and white, but eventually could only place blue and white. This is such a cool decision point that changes with every play!
A train of different feathers forms a sort of market, and these cards have a huge effect on how a plume progresses.
Colorful Plumage
Inspired by the beautiful feather cards, it seemed like the perfect time for a visit from my Calico Critters! They rolled over in a brand new vehicle, which I nearly fainted over.
That might look like a simple pastel-colored train, but the little bar on the wheels moves like a locomotive!
Better yet, the smoke stack actually moves up and down so the passengers on top have a little ride! I laughed with delight as this little train drove all over my solo table. Ha!
And you may not recognize the background, yet I have an extremely cozy solo RPG journey ahead to report on.
The Popcorn Tricycle
With the arrival of a new vehicle and all this talk of cheery, colorful aspects, it was absolutely the right time for an appearance from the popcorn tricycle. But where was it?
Ah, it was driven at a very modest pace by a family of sloths! One courageous youngster found the perfect space to hang out, quite literally as evidenced here. Ha ha!
I turned the lever on the popcorn machine a few times as these little wheels turned and celebrated a short journey.
Popcorn for everyone! Maybe there weren’t any feathers, yet this felt like a fun scene that tied into this cozy game.
Getting Too Ambitious
So close! I decided to try my luck with an enormous sort of plume, and I was just shy of completing it when the peahen appeared from the deck! Just a little too big.
I think one less card would have done it, yet when the 0 of pink feathers appeared, there were some opportunities to incorporate that color in the plume. Too much, though!
At least the game isn’t very punishing. I still scored really well with this one, but missed out on lots of bonuses.
Just another very cozy and beautiful day at my solo table! I may continue to play this one a lot… I really enjoy it!
Drawn Back to the Same Game: A Good Thing
With so many games on my shelves, often unplayed or barely touched, there is sometimes the tendency for me to think that I should be cycling through as many as possible. Yet that’s absolutely not the case! I’m someone who enjoys the cozy aspects of board games, and often, that means I’ll play the same game a lot and relatively regularly.
Our hobby is vast and immense, which can be overwhelming, but the nice thing about board games is that they can wait. They won’t go bad on the shelf. I might miss out on the initial hype, yet that’s still a fun experience that’s waiting for me when I’m ready. A lot of what has been said about books in lovely quotes can also apply to board games:
Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers. – Charles W. Eliot
If one cannot enjoy reading a book over and over again, there is no use in reading it at all. – Oscar Wilde
Books to the ceiling,
Books to the sky,
My pile of books is a mile high.
How I love them! How I need them!
I’ll have a long beard by the time I read them. – Arnold Lobel
Books and doors are the same thing. You open them, and you go through into another world. – Jeanette Winterson
I love the way that each book, any book, is its own journey. You open it, and off you go. You are changed in some way, large or small, by having traveled with those characters. – Sharon Creech
So enjoy your games, the full shelves that seem to beckon, the journeys yet to come, and the predictable moments that are like visiting an old friend. There is no particular way to go about board games, as should be the case!
Session Overview
Play Number: 11 & 12
Solo Mode: Official Solo Variant
Outcome: 87, 88 (2 Losses)
Completing a few small plumes worked out pretty well, and I was still very happy with my scores. I needed another card or so to hit the top scoring tier, and a victory was in sight with both plays. So glad I discovered the official solo variant and decided to pick this one up! It has a unique and very fun theme that never demands too much, and I always laugh when the peahen appears earlier than I would like. Must keep trying for a victory!
10 Plays
Price & Value
Challenges & Mechanics
Design & Theme
Components & Rules
Achievement & Enjoyment
Distinctness & Randomness
+ Pros (Positives)
- The feathers are absolutely beautiful and form what looks like a plume with the way the play area is built out.
- Although the peahen’s appearance can be frustrating, that level of uncertainty adds a little fun to the end game.
- There isn’t a way to do poorly since incomplete plumes miss out on victory points, but don’t incur penalties.
- Gameplay moves along quickly with interesting choices amidst the cards and decisions about how risky to play.
- A fair amount of variety exists with the strategies of creating multiple small plumes or a single, gigantic plume.
- Learning the solo mode is straightforward and involves simple rules about removing cards from the train.
– Cons (Negatives)
- There is a bit of luck involved with the order of the cards that can lead to some situations where a color is scarce.
- Some of the feather colors look similar and can be hard to tell apart from afar when their patterns are covered.
- It’s a very minor issue, but the placement of the numbers and outer ribbons feels a little too busy to easily read.
- Aspects of the rules can be a little wordy when gameplay is relatively simple with quick turns and decisions.
Victory Conditions
Score 96+ Points
- Overall Goal Progress 50%
Goals and Milestones
Score at least 70 points.
Score at least 80 points.
Score at least 90 points.
Win at least 1 game with a single plume.
Continue the Conversation
Have you played Enchanted Plumes recently? Are there any other unofficial solo variants that have surprised you recently? I’m having a wonderful time exploring this one some more, and I can see myself enjoying it for a long time to come. My solo focus at the moment is mostly about cozy and relaxing games, which this one is certainly a part of!