Loup Garou and the Curious Case of Friendly Werewolves

March 31, 2020 | Sessions | 0 comments

Escape from the dangers of the forest and town in a mysterious Graphic Novel Adventure with Loup Garou.

Some of the Graphic Novel Adventures are more frightening than others, and I saved Loup Garou for near the end because I assumed it would be scary. It’s far from a stroll in the park, but I was pleasantly surprised by the introduction. Not too terrible, and a dash of humor? I was ready to go! Or maybe not… I played late last night, which was a little scary!

Game Overview

Game Name: Loup Garou
Publication Year:
Solo Mode: Designed for Solo (Included in the Base Game)

Whereas I’ve avoided using other character sheets, this one is practically a necessity. Meet Eoras! This poor fellow comes in contact with something early on…

The gamebook centers around his survival as both a human and werewolf, as well as an overarching mystery.

Survival of the Fittest

Life as a newly transformed werewolf is far from easy. The opening section involves escaping from a pretty nasty nemesis. It’s basically an all-out sprint in the wilds!

I found some hidden elements along the way, which were pretty neat. Rather than hidden numbers, it’s more a case of noting any objects that should be taken along.

There are many different paths to explore, although the tense race means it’s important to move forward.

Eoras outwitted his foe and escaped, but the story was far from over. In fact, it had only just begun!

Enlisting Some Help

Since it was rather late, I called in some help from the Calico Critters! This pair happily joined me for the scariest panels in the opening sequence.

No spoilers here! Everything that can be seen is part of the prologue that happens even before the book truly starts.

The gamebook differs from others in the following ways:

  • Dice: There are dice rolls that are used in combat.
  • Skill Tree: Multiple skill paths may be chosen.

I chose the best skill to start with: Animal Husbandry!

Session Overview

Play Number: 1
Required Play Space: 22″ x 12″
Setup Time: Almost None
Play Time: 45 Minutes
Outcome: Loss

Watch out for this pair of newly transformed werewolves! I think they missed out on the terrifying part, though. Ha!

I made it somewhat far but succumbed in a battle against a fairly nasty opponent. Still, there were a lot of surprises along the way. Eoras will make it to the end someday!


1 Play


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Continue the Conversation

What are some of your thoughts about Loup Garou? Do you like gamebooks in general? I was very happy with what I saw, and wondered just how variable gameplay could be with the skill tree. At the same time, some of the puzzles weren’t exactly up my alley. I guess I’ll just have to use my mind some more the next time I play, which should be soon!


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