Obsession: Whispers of a Terrible American Heiress Deception

Aug 7, 2024 | Sessions | 4 comments

Step out into Derbyshire society where managing a country estate, guests, and staff is the key to respect in Obsession.

Somehow, my favorite solo game went more than a year before making an appearance at my table! That’s right: It was time to play Obsession again, and I was probably way too excited as I set it up. It’s my favorite game and the only one that’s held a perfect score for a few years, and there’s no sign that’s changing! Unlike the Fairchilds’ preferences…


It’s been a few years, but just another quick note that I received a free set of the Meeple Source Characters from the publisher. This doesn’t impact my rating of the game… Just adds a little more personality when I knock them over. Ha!

Game Overview

Game Name: Obsession
Publication Year:
 Dan Hallagan
 Dan Hallagan
Publisher: Kayenta Games
Solo Mode: Included in the Base Game

Over the course of the seasons, a family’s fate is tied to their standing in society. Hosting events, building up the country estate, hiring more staff, and adding reputable gentry to a social circle are all part of the puzzle. But watch out for the other families… They can be rather rude!

A Look at All the Plans to Top Derbyshire Society in Obsession

First Play

January 25, 2019



Latest Play

December 21, 2024



Setup Time

10 Minutes

Lifetime Plays


Play Time

50 Minutes


High Score



Game Area

24" x 28"


Low Score


“Leggy” Warleggans

Well, well. I moved onto the next solo opponent family I hadn’t defeated yet. This was an interesting mix of thematic specialties, but I had a leg up on the Warleggans.

Oh, and the puns! I often narrate my stories out loud at my solo table, and there were endless insults about legs. Ha!

At every event, I spread gossip that you could see all of their legs, which was quite scandalous. Or I just yelled about those Leggies and their awful ways. Ha ha!

For this was going to be a societal battle with their success in Derbyshire. I was unaffected and ready to rumble.

Plotting How to Best the Warleggan Solo Opponent Family in Obsession

Staff at the Ready

I chose to play as the Howard family, which is the one I haven’t played with as much as the others. Plus, they began with a famous cook. Who could resist the cuisine?!

As I approach 100 lifetime solo plays, I want to make sure I emphasize how excited I am during every play.

Nothing feels repetitive, especially since I love adding little narrative bits. And the fun is the perfect blend of what I’m looking for. It really is my favorite game!

But I had to pull myself together and be prepared for the shenanigans these Warleggans were sure to get up to!

Preparing to Put a Famous Cook to the Test with the Howard Family in Obsession

Not Impressive Enough

With this extended play, I had a chance to build a lot more and created a rather impressive country estate. Naturally, it was far from good enough for the picky Fairchild heirs!

It was difficult to compete in the estate category itself, yet I found some neat ways to pull ahead in other areas.

Alas, there was no opportunity to host an afternoon social in the French garden, which was probably my undoing.

I loved using the cook from the start, though, as she truly made so many events delicious and reputable. She could whip up a feast for any event like the professional she was!

Somehow Failing to Impress the County with a Lavish Country Estate from Obsession

Fairchild Preferences

There is a variant to play with open courtship to make the solo game slightly easier, yet I love the suspense of flipping over theme cards during the courtship phases!

I was immediately behind early on, but managed to make up a lot of ground in the service and sporting categories.

Alas, this was my introduction back into the nuances of the various strategies. I could point to my missteps, though, so at least my loss wasn’t entirely unexpected.

Yet I was suspicious of the Warleggans and I had to take a moment to consider their underhanded plans…

Building Up According to the Right Themes for Utterly Disappointed Fairchilds in Obsession

How Can a Game Remain in the #1 Spot for Years?

Although it hasn’t surprised me, it is interesting that no other game has come close to knocking this one out as my top favorite since I started playing back in 2019. It took a little time to reach my top spot, but it’s basically been up there for a good 5 years running! And I don’t play it all the time, but a favorite doesn’t need constant attention to be loved.

It’s hard to put into words exactly why nothing comes close to this one, yet it comes down to a combination of the mechanics and emotions. Everything works well, the most violent aspect involves insults, I laugh out loud at some of the flavor text, and find the solo opponent families to be some of the most ruthless nemeses. Gladstones, anyone?! Ha!

At the same time, I don’t think there is any need to justify a game remaining a favorite. I simply love this one in every way, and couldn’t imagine ever parting with it. Will it ever get knocked out of the top spot? Maybe, yet that’s a place that isn’t easy to approach for the rest of my collection. Derbyshire itself will be shocked if that ever happens!

Deceived by an Heiress

Oh, Carol Pendergast. Her name was only whispered, because you simply can not admit to socializing with an American heiress. But the Howards needed that money!

The reputation loss was easy to counter, and Carol was sent packing after a quick family discussion at the end.

But as I currently evaluate this entire session, I realize there was a common denominator in all of my losses.

The Warleggans definitely planted American heiresses as traps! I fell for them. But the Warleggans will now… Fall… Via crooked legs? Because I make reputable insults. Ha!

Falling Into a Trap Planted by the Warleggans with an American Heiress from Obsession


The flavor text on the guest cards is an element that isn’t necessary, yet it adds so much to my enjoyment and fun!

Perhaps the Howards were doomed from the start because their social circle was filled with absolute tragedy.

This trio of admirable Dowager Countesses were welcome, but their tales of death and tragedy made social outings a little challenging. I distracted all with the cook’s food!

Yet there were the times when I managed to invite them all to the country estate at once… Where they were given ample room for tragic discussions amongst themselves.

Weathering the Storm of a Tragedy-Stricken Social Circle in Obsession

Elizabeth’s Gaze

Again, I tried to help the Howards impress the Fairchilds and expand their standing in the county. A pair of monuments looked impressive enough, right?

Wrong. Elizabeth Fairchild herself visited a few times, and her bored gaze told everyone all they needed to. Ugh! Definitely under the influence of the Warleggans.

It was fun to pick up monuments, though, as the solo opponent usually snaps these up from the market.

Not today! Although I didn’t have anything to show for it, I was still very happy with this final tableau.

Amazing Monuments and a Rather Bored Fairchild Heir from Obsession

Way Too Many Bowls

Speaking of a finale, I decided to give this challenge just one more attempt. Surely, I had the skills to achieve a win!

Hilariously, this play was defined as one of bowls. That’s right: With a focus on service and monuments, there weren’t a lot of new activities to host during each round.

So the Howards became known as “those bowls people” for their incessant events… Like 3 or 4 times total. Ha!

I was surprised to see that I actually improved my score, though. This felt like it would be atrocious, but I guess the bowls weren’t as terrible as the Warleggans said. Ha ha!

That Time the Family Only Hosted Endless Games of Bowls for the Gentry in Obsession

Session Overview

Play Number: 90-92
Expansion 1: Obsession: Upstairs, Downstairs
Expansion 2: Obsession: Wessex Expansion
 Meeple Source Characters
Solo Mode: Included in the Base Game
Play Details: Extended Play with Closed Courtship
Outcome: 193-246, 204-233, 215-239 (3 Losses)

Look at this final country estate! Still not good enough, although I’ll admit the excessive games of bowls were a hindrance. Ha! As always, I had a great time and continue to tell everyone that this is my favorite game. So good!

A Monumental Effort to Still Fall Shy of Victory in Obsession


90 Plays


Price & Value



Challenges & Mechanics



Design & Theme



Components & Rules



Achievement & Enjoyment



Distinctness & Randomness


+ Pros (Positives)

  • There are so many fun, little stories to tell during every round that bring the game to life in all sorts of ways.
  • Each solo opponent offers a different sort of challenge, and the high amount of variety ensures very unique plays.
  • Meaningful choices have both short-term and long-term effects that are often a lot more subtle than they appear.
  • Play time moves along quickly, yet there are a lot of tough choices to make that are far from obvious.
  • Managing all of the elements of the family is a very fun challenge where everything simply can not be achieved.
  • A real sense of accomplishment comes about when everything comes together in the final tableau and social circle.

– Cons (Negatives)

  • Some degree of luck plays into a lot of plays, where high scores require a little bit of balance in the various favors.
  • Even with the reminder tokens, it can be easy to overlook ongoing bonuses that take place every round.
  • Closed courtship is very exciting, but this means some solo opponents turn out to be extremely difficult to beat.
  • Objectives are quite random and sometimes lead to many victory points, or practically none with specific goals.

More Obsession

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Victory Conditions

Score the Most Points

  • Overall Goal Progress 60% 60%

Goals and Milestones


Score at least 200 points.


Win at least 1 game against each base game family.


Win at least 1 game against each Wessex family.


Score at least 220 points.


Win at least 1 game against each Up, Downstairs family.

Continue the Conversation

What is your favorite element of Obsession? Do you have any memorable plays? It isn’t easy for a single game to occupy the top spot in my collection, especially with the way my tastes change over time. Yet this is the one that has never wavered, and I can safely say that I love it! Now to just plot my way to best this awful Warleggan family… Ha ha!


  1. 100%! Whoot! Hopefully Dan reads this. 🙂

    • He definitely did! Dan kindly shared this post on social media with a nice note. One of the many times I’m happy when a publisher or designer sees my rating… This one just can’t be beat!

  2. I love this write up so much. I definitely need to get Obsession back on my table post-haste!

    • Thank you so much! And absolutely: Derbyshire is always calling, while the Gladstones are plotting away with terrible gossip and more-than-likely sabotaged garden parties. The audacity! Ha ha!


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