From Human to Werewolf and Back Again in Loup Garou

Explore a dangerous mystery and befriend animal companions in the Graphic Novel Adventure, Loup Garou.
I had a wonderful time with gamebooks in the 90s, even though I somehow missed out on a bunch of iconic series. Luckily, I picked up the Graphic Novel Adventures right from the start! I returned to Loup Garou for another attempt at keeping Eoras alive a little longer after his transformation. Or would I have to fire myself from playing the guide? Ha!
Game Overview
Game Name: Loup Garou
Publication Year: 2015
Designer: Uncredited
Artist: Uncredited
Solo Mode: Designed for Solo (Included in the Base Game)
The skill tree is a central feature that allows for character customization in a way not always possible in other gamebooks. Each specialization features unique options.
I stuck with my instinct and went for the odd Survivor path. That top skill looked great. Dice re-rolls? Yes, please.
A New Companion
As I went through the opening sequence again, I took a very different path that led to plenty of unique options. Part of me wondered if it would feel too similar.
Fortunately, it branched off when I came across this ash hound. My animal husbandry skill certainly paid off!
Strength is used as a baseline for damage done during combat, while defense reduces incoming damage. Both would be vital for survival. Good dog!
I was only a little sad that I might have to let this guy go at one point since new companions could show up.
Investigating the Town
Success! Eoras made it further than my last attempt. Into town we went, smartly disguised as… Werewolf or human? I’ll let you guess which works better around people. Ha!
An intriguing mystery began to unfold. I thought the adventure would be centered entirely on surviving as a werewolf. That’s only the beginning of the story…
From district to district, I looked for clues and helped out where I could. Eoras was a werewolf, but not a monster!
Practically nothing was hidden, though. The numbers were obvious, yet I still kept my eyes open.
More Puzzles and Fewer Choices
I discovered that the adventure proceeded down a single main path. There weren’t really any choices about what to do: The challenge was generally to go from point A to B, then move down the next part of the adventure. Even with all of the skill tree options, I still wonder if another play would lead to a decent bit of variability.
Even with the dice-driven combat rounds, a lot of elements revolved around solving word puzzles. The trouble with these is that those areas are effectively locked without the right answers. And these answers weren’t found in the gamebook. I got some of them, but others completely went over my head! I guess that’s just me, though.
Session Overview
Play Number: 2
Required Play Space: 22″ x 12″
Setup Time: Almost None
Play Time: 2 Hours & 15 Minutes
Outcome: Win
I had to give up my ash hound when I came across this loyal dog. That slight increase in defense was necessary, though. Eoras survived the final battle with just 1 HP!
Although I don’t know if I want to play again soon, I can’t deny that I was completely engrossed with this adventure!
1 Play
Price & Value
Challenges & Mechanics
Design & Theme
Components & Rules
Achievement & Enjoyment
Distinctness & Randomness
Continue the Conversation
What other gamebooks do you enjoy? Loup Garou was a fun adventure for me, and the storyline was more surprising than I thought it could be. Do you like the use of the skill tree and combat dice rolls? It occupies a unique place in my collection, and I had a wonderful time working through the mystery. No more werewolves for a while, though!